Please call when you arrive so that we might invite you inside.
Our physical address:
2462 Filbert Street 4th Street San Francisco, CA 94123 USA
Driving to our home?
We are located on Filbert Street between Scott and Pierce Streets; this is two blocks south of Lombard Street. Our neighborhood is less parking constrained than many other San Francisco neighborhoods.
•via BART/Muni:
At Embarcadero Station disembark at The Embarcadero Hyatt exit. Take the 30 Stockton bus to Chestnut and Scott Streets. Walk south (left) three blocks to Filbert Street and turn west (right). We are in the middle of the block.
•via Caltrain:
Alight at the San Francisco 4th & King Station. Go north to Townsend Street and turn east (that’s right) to the 30 Stockton Bus stop. Take the 30 Stockton bus to Chestnut and Scott Streets. Walk south (left) three blocks to Filbert Street and turn west (right). We are in the middle of the block.
•driving from San Francisco, Marin, SFO Airport or Silicon Valley:
Take highway 101 towards San Francisco. Exit 101 at 4th St and turn right to 4th Street. We are located at the Palms 555 4th St immediately on the left.
•driving from the East Bay:
Take I-80 to exit 2a Bryant St. Turn left on 5th Street, and the next left onto Bryant St. Turn right on 4th St; we are at the Palms which is immediately on the left. If parking stay in the far left lane and turn left on Freelon St. Text in advance, so we can bring you into the garage.
Please call when you arrive so that we might invite you inside.
Garage Entrance
2462 Filbert